Jun 12, 2011

Me....in a few words.

I guess since this is essentially a beer blog I'll start out by explaining my views on beer and brewing. I'll start with beer. I've always been a bit of a beer snob as with most I got my start with "better" beer by trying Sam Adams I enjoyed the hoppyness and more complex taste than the swill from the macrobrews. That being said there are a few things that annoy me about craft brews. It seems to me in my very humble, uneducated opinion that craft beer is becoming like wine. A bit snooty, try-hard, know -it-all, beer should be unpretentious. Something you can sit around and drink while wrenching on a car in a dirty garage or on a deck on a nice summer day (which im enjoying a Sam Adams Rustic Saison with family as im writing this). You shouldnt feel the need to discuss its bouquet or its earthy undertones.
Now onto brewing. I got into brewing in a completely ass backwards way. Most start by homebrewing batches from a kit then go onto a whole grain brew and so on. I on the other hand started by jumping headfirst into the world of commercial brewing. I began volunteering at Rivertown Brewing and in all honesty they have been more than inviting, patient, and appreciative. Jason, Randy, Andrew, Andrew, and Blake are all trying their hardest and are quite frankly succeeding in the world of craft brewing. I've done things from labeling, packing, kegging, and cleaning( there is alot of cleaning) and enjoy it immensely. As far as home brewing Im signing off to bottle my first batch.


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