In case you haven't seen the news, Ohio is considering legislation that will increase the allowed alcohol by volume from 12% to 18%. If you don't already know, surrounding states are already above this new proposed limit; Kentucky has no limit and Indiana is at 21%, so I am curious what others think of this new law.
As those opposed would have you believe, increasing the limit would lead to higher amounts of underage drinkers getting drunk quicker, or legal drinkers downing loads of high alcohol beer and getting more drunk. I am not sure that this is the case, as with higher ABV comes a higher price tag; as I am only a few years removed from college, I don't recall reaching for anything over about $12 for a case (24) beer, no where near the probably $20 price tag a sixer of high alcohol beer would bring.
If you haven't seen the story, here's a link to the report done by Local 12 news.
So, what do you think?
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