Nov 3, 2010

Beer Review - Heavy Sea's Winter Storm

I decided to keep going with the winter ale tastings today. Today, I decided to try the Heavy Sea's Winter Storm. The bottle says it is a Category 5 ale, so let's try this out.

The beer pours amber in color with a small, slightly brown head. Smell is a bit of caramel, with a little bit of spice on the background. I believe there may also be some orange peel smell here as well. Taste is also of caramel, with a decent malty taste. It's got a nice hoppy background as well.

This one's enjoyable, but I don't think I'd be able to drink more than one in a night...

Have you tried this beer? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. I'll stay tuned.

    Your writing has gotten better over the last couple days too.
