I have decided to toot my own horn today. I won't normally do this, but I decided to this time.
Now, with that out of the way, here's why: I just got some notes back from someone regarding two homebrews that I either made or helped beersupporterJT make. As a homebrewer, I make beer that I want to drink and my friends will want to drink. However, it's always nice to get feedback from someone who sells beer for a living.
Here's the scoop: I brought a couple of bottles of my homebrew down to the World BeerFest earlier this year. I shared these bottles with a distributor to get their opinion. (Ok, I'll admit, my brother works for this distributor, so the view may be skewed, but I feel he was very honest in his assessment.) I asked them to review my beer and let me know what they think. Below is the assessment of a cream ale and a pale ale:
Creamy nose
Light carbonation
Little head
Top of mouth, no tongue
True to style
Little bit of citrus feel
Overall B+
Pale Ale
Good carbonation
Great head
Carbonation in nose
Excellent mouth feel and body
Bitter but not to hoppy
Good color
Overall A-
So, there you have it. I was happy that I made beer that not only I liked and my friends liked, but that folks who drink a lot of different beers also liked.
Now, back to your regular blogs.
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